Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Trauma Healing Leading to Reconciliation

Different tribes reconciling.
Prayer as a large group.
In mid-June, a team of us facilitated trauma healing group leaders’ training within the Sudanese and South Sudanese communities so that they could go out and lead healing groups with those in need.  Probably the most memorable part of it was as people from different tribes held hands and confessed and apologized for the atrocities that may have been committed.  As people were led through the healing of the bitter pains and traumas in their lives, they were able to start the process of genuine reconciliation.  I’ve seen that only after having taken their pains to the cross, can people adopt a stance of forgiveness that is built upon Christ’s forgiving work in our lives.  It was powerful.

Trauma healing facilitators.
"I forgive those who killed my brother."
On a recent visit to a South Sudanese congregation in Nairobi, I was pleased to hear of the call for those to join a healing group.  The vision of healing and reconciliation continues to catch on.  May it lead to the healing of the nation so full of pain.
A recent visit to a South Sudanese congregation in Nairobi.

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