South Sudan’s flag has many colours, each which represents something either in the country’s geography or history. The flag is an emblem of where the country has been and what it aspires to. BLACK, is for the colour of the people of South Sudan. WHITE is for the peace. RED is for the struggle and the blood of martyrs. BLUE is for the river Nile which gives life to the land. GREEN is for the land rich in resources. YELLOW is for the unity of the states which make up the country. In some ways, for me, a flag is an idea which is sometimes hard to access and impersonal... I can’t quite put a face to it. So I’ve decided that this would be my new mental flag of South Sudan.

Next time I step outside, I want these vivid colours to remind me of all these truths. Every day we are beholding the living flag; the living reality of this country with its history and all its aspirations. I want to be able to see the colours of this living flag and see them as a testimony of His continuing work in this country.
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